De Broglie’s explanation for Bohr’s Angular Momentum

As per the Bohr’s atomic model, the electron in a specified orbit will have a constant angular momentum. This orbit is called stationery orbit and here de Broglie proved that electron in this orbit is going to have a constant angular momentum.

According to de Broglie concept all material particles like electrons have wave nature. So the electron travels like a wave along the length of the circumference of the orbit. The stationary waves can be formed only when the wavelength are equal to circumference of the circular orbit or its integral multiples.

The expression is as shown below.

Though de Broglie is able to explain it successfully, in the process of explanation he assumed electron like a wave which is against the concept of Planck’s constant theory.

Bohr’s atomic model is valid only for the hydrogen and hydrogen like atoms that are having only one electron. If there is more number of electrons, between them there is a repulsive force which is not taken into consideration during this Bohr’s atomic model.

Therefore some more theories are proposed to explain the atomic nature of the atoms.

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