About Me

Who am I ?

It is toughest question that we can ask here on the Earth.You are not the body,you are not the name,you are not the male/female.You are not the designation.In fact you are not any one that what we generally say.

Who am I ?

As per many philosophies,beliefs and of course scientific proofs, we are all the souls who gets into this world to learn and improve our overall understanding of nature,life and its meaning.May be we would like to know where do we fit in the bigger picture of the universe.

That way I am also one among them, by the identified name  Isha, like all of you and here happens to be a Physics teaching professional and done a post graduation in this subject and passed out in 1997 with a distinction.

The journey began then and there is no stop. Been teaching physics from then i.e for around Eighteen years.I have to confess that what ever I have learned, understood is done during this course of eighteen years and nothing of previous good marks in academics helped much.Spent significant time in understanding the basics of Physics and still learning.

Putting the content that I learned is just like a back up for me and hopefully it help some one who is looking for some basic ideas and how to approach the competition examinations in Physics, let what ever may be the title of the examination be.

Over most all of teaching years, I have been teaching for Plus One and Plus Two students or Under Graduate Students.Training them for Engineering and Medical entrance examinations like IIT-JEE,AIPMT,various state level entrance examinations is a serious part of my job.

The exams are objective oriented and need to be done in a sharp time limit. Thus developing clarity over the subject and giving insights with fine details so that students can each answer question one minute is one of the serious task that I am having as a Physics Teacher.

The content posted here shall give good basics to every one and give clarity of thought over the issues discussed.

Attaching the images of hand written notes is the way that I had chosen. Being the notes is developed a reference for me, sometimes it may be clumsy. It will be improved soon as per the requirement of you.Your comments are welcome and will try the address the issues you raised when i got some time from my typical busy schedule.

In the process of adding further value and to create clarity of thought, off late i started adding video lessons of short duration and they shall help every one to under the concepts better.

Your feed back and comments are most welcome and they in fact help to make this blog a better one.

Thank you for stopping by and Wishing wonderful life ahead.