Let us consider two infinitely straight long conductors carrying current in the same direction.We can measure the force between the two conductors as shown
below. We need to use the formula that we have derived the formula for the
magnetic field at a given point using the Ampere’s law.
Basing on the magnetic field, we have derived for the force
experienced by the point at a distance using the formula that was also derived.
The second conductor also carrying current and experience due
to the other conductor similar to the first conductor. These forces are mutual
and we can derive as shown below.
Definition of ampere
We can define the ampere basing on the derivation as
derived earlier. If two infinitely long straight conductors carrying a
certain current separated by unit distance experience a force of repulsion
per unit length, the current passing
through each conductor is one ampere.
This is treated like a fundamental unit in the SI system and is defined As shown below.
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