Capacitors in Series and parallel with Problems and Solutions

Capacitor is a device that is capable of storing energy and charge between its plates. We can connect the capacitors in different combinations.

Capacitors in Series

If one plate of the capacitor is connected to the other charged plate to the next capacitor and keep on connecting, this kind of connection is called series connection, When they are connected in series, the charge distribution on all of them is same but the total voltage connected to the system is shared across different capacitors basing on their capacity.

In series combination, total voltage of the system is the sum of all voltages shared across the system. We can find that the effective capacity of capacitors is less than any individual capacitors. It can be derived as shown below.

Capacitors in Parallel

When capacitors are connected in parallel, the voltage shared across each capacitor is similar to the individual voltage on each capacitor. But the charge supplied to the system is shared across different capacitors based on their capacities.

If all positive plates of different capacitors are connected together and the negative plates of capacitors are also connected together, this kind of combination is called parallel combination.

When capacitors are connected they together can acquire a common potential as shown below. If different kind of plates are connected, the answer vary with the sign.

Problem and Solution

We know that when capacitors are connected in series, the effective capacity decreases and when they are connected in parallel, their effective capacity increases. If individual capacitors were need to be find out basing on total capacity of the systems when they are connected in series and parallel, we can find as shown in the problem below.

Problem and Solutions

When capacitors are connected in series, the charge across all the capacitors is same, but voltage is shared across them. We can find individual voltage as show in the diagram and problem with solution below.

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