Thermodynamics Complete Lesson

Thermodynamics is a branch of physics that explains about the conversion of heat energy into other formats and its applications. To study thermodynamics, we deal with co ordinates like pressure, volume,internal energy, temperature and entropy. There are different kinds of thermodynamic process like isothermal process, adiabatic process,isobaric process and isochoric process.

In each of the process some work is done and it can be measured as shown in the lessons below. Internal energy is because of the temperature of the system and internal collisions of the gas molecules. In isothermal process, temperature of the system remains constant. In adiabatic process, heat energy of the system remains constant and no heat energy is neither allowed to get into the system and allowed to go out. In isobaric process, pressure of the system remains constant and in isochoric process, volume of the system remains constant.

There are three laws of thermodynamics like zeroth law, first law and second law. Zeroth law explains the concept of temperature. First law explains about conservation of heat energy. Second law of thermodynamics explains  the direction of heat flow is always from a body of higher temperature to lower temperature and never in reverse by itself. If reverse has to happen, it shall  be supported by external agency.

Heat engines are also important part of thermodynamics and using them, heat energy can be converted into mechanical energy and they can not have full efficiency.

All this topics of thermodynamics are discussed in the following lessons in detail.  

Cyclic Process,Reversible Process and Work Done Graphs

Degree of freedom and Law of the Equipartisien energy